Information from A to Z
Here you can find out about all the information that you would like to know about Bizzy Bears!
Our latest Ofsted report can be found at or by downloading the report below.
If you would like to register a place for your child at our Pre school, please make an appointment or pop in and see us and we'll gladly take the time to explain everything you need to know. You can make an appointment by phone or by using our contact form. We look forward to meeting you!
01604 785123
Funded Childcare for Children age 2 years
If you are a parent/carer of a 2 year old and receive certain benefits you could be entitled to 15 hours/six sessions of early learning (not including lunch club) a maximum of 570 hours per year(depending on spaces). To find out if you are eligible go to
If you are eligible you will be given a reference number which you will need to give to us to apply for the funding.
Childcare Entitlement for 3 and 4 year olds
All children age 3 in Northamptonshire are eligible for up to 15 hours early education place.
Eligibility is based on the birth date of your child.
A child born between: |
Will be eligible for a free place from: |
1st April to
31st |
Autumn funding period
following |
1st September
to 31st |
Spring funding period
following |
1st January to
31st |
Summer funding period
following |
The grant entitles your child up to 15 hours of nursery education per week for 38 weeks of the year, this is broken down into 3 terms:
Autumn term
September - December
Spring term
January- March
Summer term
April – July
Parents/carers may choose for their child:
- To take up less than the minimum entitlement
- To receive their free place by attending more than one provider within a week
- To take additional services beyond the free entitlement( additional nursery
education or lunch club) in which case Bizzy Bears will make a charge in line
with their fee structure.
Parents/Carers will be informed by letter when their child is eligible for the entitlement.
All parents/carers must complete a Parent/carer contract form at the beginning of each calendar block and provide their child’s birth certificate and a current utility bill less than 3 months old, to qualify for the free entitlement.
EYPP(Early Years Pupil Preminum)
Children who claim the 3 and 4 year old entitlement who meet the criteria could be eligible for the EYPP. The EYPP is additional funding to improve the outcomes for children. This funding is paid directly to your childcare provider. More information can be found at Bizzy Bears will also provide you with written information as part of the 3 and 4 year old free entitlement process.
30 hours funded childcare
From September 2017 families of 3 and 4 year olds may now be able to claim up to 30 hours a week of free childcare if they are both working or if you are a lone parent working.
You can find out if you are eligible to claim the free 30 hours and apply via
If you qualify, you will be able to claim this childcare on the funding block after your child's 3rd birthday.
Bizzy Bears is offering 30 hours of childcare from 9.00am-3.30pm Monday-Friday for those eligible families. Lunch session is not included in the 30 hour entitlement 12.00pm-12.30pm and is an additional charge of £4.00 children are required to bring their own packed lunch.