Parent/Carer Information

We aim to make Bizzy Bears Pre-School a welcome place for you and your children


  • We arrange visits and open mornings/afternoons for prospective families to view our Pre school, speak to the staff and for us to answer any questions that you may have.We also welcome impromptu visits.


  • We provide prosepctive families with verbal infomation and a variety of written infomation including an information pack and leaflets.




Settling In


  •  Each child is an individual therefore we operate a flexible admissions procedure. Before a child attends Bizzy Bears we will discuss with Parents/carers the best way to help their child settle in.


  • We allocate a key person to each child and their family to help them become familiar with the setting, to ensure the child's needs are met and to share information.


  • We will provide an opportunity for your child and you to visit the Pre school before admission. Your child's key person will ask you to complete the neccessary forms and will discuss with you your child's interests, likes and dislikes and your child's development, you will also be able to ask any questions that you may have. You are welcome to stay and play with your child to familiarise them with our setting.


  • We will offer stay and play sessions in the few weeks leading up to admission for you and you child to familairse yourselves with Bizzy Bears and for us to get to know your child.


  • To ease the transition form home to Pre school we offer home visits to all our new families. Your child's key person will come and see you and your child in their own home. They will bring with them photographs of the activities that we offer at Bizzy Bears and it will be an opportunity for you and your child to discuss their transition and ask any questions that you may have.



